Why people fail ?

Did you know that every person born into the world is a champion who has defeated the other billions of sperm cells so that we could be born in this world.

But why after we are born and grow up like this, we can not beat our competitors whose numbers may be only tens, hundreds or thousands of billions when we've beat our competitors.

I think the answer is being forced. When we are faced with a choice has to be a champion or a death, a sudden massive rise in us and we will do whatever it takes to be a champion than to die for, as we become sperm cells must compete to achieve the maternal ovaries, we will do anything to defeat billions of our competitors to become champions because only one or two cells are selected and others died.

Word smart people, it turns out our brain is designed to seek pleasure and avoid suffering. If you want to succeed, you have to make changes. But the problem is some people are reluctant to change because it was convenient.

In order to change, you try to imagine the discomfort you current conditions such as how bad the office had to jam on the highway, hot, rain, scolded by your boss, a client complained and other inconveniences that will stir your spirit for change.

Vice versa, imagine and feel the pleasure that you will get if you want to make changes. Imagine also the people you love, what they feel and say next year, two years, five years from now if you want to make a change at this time and how disappointed they are when you are not changing at this time.

Before its too late ...


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